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  1. Tapas, daily 4.40pm @ Zoom
  2. Drop-in stand-up, daily 11AM @ Tandem
  3. Monday Pipeline, 10AM @ Zoom
  4. Wednesday Backlog, 2pm @ Zoom & Jira Cloud
  5. Wednesday Retro, 3pm every other week @ Zoom & Miro
  6. Friday Demo & Chill, 4pm @ Zoom & Miro

Tapas, daily 4.40pm @ Zoom

  • OBJECTIVE: end-of-day catchup / line-in-the-sand between work and home hours
  • RATIONALE: indicator that ‘work’ is over (wellbeing, productivity, social)
  • DRI: Sprint Sovereign 👉

Drop-in stand-up, daily 11AM @ Tandem

  • OBJECTIVE: team-wide update of task tracker
  • RATIONALE: a moment early in the day to raise issues, ask for help, and check team morale
    • Jira Cloud: alternate going across the columns, checking tickets against assignees
  • DRI: Sprint Sovereign 👉

Monday Pipeline, 10AM @ Zoom

  • OBJECTIVE: Reviewing new incoming work, qualifying it and understanding actions in terms of chasing opportunities
    • RATIONALE: kick-off the week with sharing upcoming plans, incoming work, and assesing workload
  • DRI: ER / BS / EG
    • Jira Cloud: Add or update tickets to reflect new or updated incoming work
    • projects only added when we attach our price to them

Wednesday Backlog, 2pm @ Zoom & Jira Cloud

  • OBJECTIVE: team-wide catch-up on everything where there is active effort in the next two weeks
  • RATIONALE: share what you’re working on; flag any issues, capacity, or need for help; connect with wider team to understand the strategic direction of the team
    • Jira Cloud
    • Go through projects on pipeline board from READY TO START to RUNNING and check in with DRI for update on progress (10 mins)
    • For each item in those columns (where item corresponds to task-for-specific-project) there are 2 questions to ask:
      • Is it in the right place?
      • Is there active effort in the next two weeks?
    • Prioritise wrap-up activities
    • Make sure team workloads are appropriate, redistribute if necessary
    • Ensure tasks are documented for people to work on
  • DRI: ER / BS / EG

Wednesday Retro, 3pm every other week @ Zoom & Miro

  • OBJECTIVE: open feedback and discussion of team sentiment over the past 2 weeks
  • RATIONALE: look back, learn, and do better next time (what went well, what could’ve gone better, heroes)
  • PROCESS: Miro: over the course of an hour spend time reflecting over the past 2 weeks and, on a Miro board, put up notes for ‘what went well’, ‘what could have gone better’, and who you’d like to nominate as ‘heroes’
  • DRI: Sprint Sovereign 👉

Friday Demo & Chill, 4pm @ Zoom & Miro

  • OBJECTIVE: relax and celebrate the week-gone-by with a demo of something interesting or fun
  • RATIONALE: knowledge-sharing and social activity
  • DRI: RA

Unless stated otherwise regular meetings are for all team-members